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Currently on the reading table.

I remember reading Robert D. Putnam’s book Bowling Alone and was facilitated by how he captured the disintegrating cultural network that made America great in the past decade. I am very excited to read his latest work, The Upswing.

Today’s read.

Quoting from the text: “Public debates are characterized not by deliberation on differing ideas, but by demonization of the other side.” That feels so true today, and it’s no way to live as one country.

Clam Chowder

Clam Chowder.

A staple dish on Cape Cod in any season Clam Chowder is an essential of Winter life. I have made many variations of Chowder over the years, including the version that my Grandmother made. Nana preferred a thin broth and plenty of clams and potato. This recipe from America’s Test Kitchen comes very close. The recipe can be found in The Complete America’s Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook 2001-2021

Prep and portions.

This is a simple dish in both preparation and pallet and that is why I like it. Start to finish the meal can move from stove to table in less than 90 minutes. As always measure and prepare your ingredients so that when their time to join the party comes they can jump right in. List is the list of ingredients.


For the bacon I used Jansal Valley Cob Smoked, which is thick cut and I diced it into half inch pieces. Cool the bacon on a medium low heat, you want the bacon brown not burned. The bacon took about six to seven minutes in my Le Creuset #28. Next add the onion and cook till tender, another six to seven minutes.

Bacon and onions, is there a better scent in a kitchen…?

When the onion is translucent add the flour and stir till the flour is mixed in. Then it’s time for the clam broth, potato, thyme and bay leaf. Let the pot simmer till the potatoes are cooked and tender.

Let all the ingredients get familiar…

Once the potatoes are tender (test with a small knife), it is time to add the clams, salt, pepper and heavy cream. Stir while adding the cream to blend. You may also remove the bay leaf at this time. A few more minutes on the simmer to warm the clams and you are ready to enjoy.
